Current research work on obesity and eating disorders


Current research work on obesity and eating disorders

On behalf of the Journal of obesity and eating disorders, as Senior Journal Coordinator, it is my distinct honour and privilege to inform you that, our journal running in 5th volume with 2. As Senior Journal Coordinator it is my great pleasure and honour to welcome you to the Journal of obesity and eating disorders.

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Current research work on obesity and eating disorders

Food addiction in the obese patients

Food Addiction (FA) is based on the fact that similar behaviors are found and identical neurological pathways are activated in both food intake and psychoactive substance use. The prevalence of eating disorders (ED) is high among patients with overweight or obesity and is increasing worldwide. Among all ED, the binge eating disorder (BED) might be the most frequent one. FA could explain the difficulties with the control of food consumption, failures in attempts to reduce food intake and the inability to abstain or reduce specific type of food. This concept is based on the fact that similar neurobiological pathways are activated in both food intake and psychoactive substance abuse. Indeed, the consumption of different kinds of processed food (rich in sugar, fatty acids or salt) can activate brain structures commonly associated with substance dependence. Excessive sugar, fat or salt content in processed food could be significant components of FA due to the activation of the reward circuit in the same way as by other psychoactive substances. The prevalence and the role of FA in obesity remain unclear and need to be evaluated.

Conclusion: Due to their tendency to lack confidence with their interoceptive awareness, reconnecting food addict patients with their inner body sensations could be a strategy to ease the severity of FA.

Best Regards

Laura Gray

Senior Journal Coordinator

Journal of obesity and eating disorders